Prop Trading

Prop Trading

with the AlphaTradrz Community.

90% Profit Share – Unlimited Time To Pass the Assessment

Trading for Prop Trading Firms.

When you trade for a Proprietary Trading Firm, you are trading the company’s capital using one of their trading accounts, liquidity provider and their Risk Management System. This enables you to trade much larger account sizes than you would if using your own capital, whilst the company covers all losses and you make up to 90% of the profits you make.

AlphaTradrz Trader Assessment Logo

Trader Assessment.

Our trading rules are our way of protecting both your profits and our capital. The rules apply to both the trader assessment and the funded trader account. The rules we use are industry standard rules used throughout the financial trading markets.

When you start your trading assessment you start your journey trading for us. As a Junior Trader you are proving to us that you can trade consistently and professionally, after all it will be our capital your are trading. The rules and risk protocols we employ help you become a professional trader.


Achieve the following Key Performance Indicators.








 3 Simple Trading Rules.

AlphaT will manage your assessment automatically to ensure the risk is minimal, within industry standard metrics.


3% Daily Loss Limit

To protect your profits from the previous day and to protect excessive losses to your account, we have maximum daily loss level calculated by taking 3% of the original account balance and subtract it from the closing balance of the previous day.
This Daily Loss Limit helps traders when they start chasing their losses.


Starting account balance: $100,000
Daily Loss Limit: $3000 (3% of account starting balance)

Should your ‘equity balance’ or your account balance fall below this Daily Loss Level your trades will be closed and you will not be able to trade again until the next day. Your account will remain open, this is referred to as a ‘Soft Breach’.


8% Maximum Trailing Drawdown

To protect our capital from excessive losses we set a maximum loss on your account. This is calculated by taking 8% of the account starting balance. The amount is subtracted from the High Water Mark of your account balance i.e. the highest your account balance has been since you started trading the account.

Example 1
Equity Balance: $99000
Starting account balance: $100,000
Max Drawdown Limit: $8000 (8% of account starting balance)
Max Loss Level: $96,000
Available Trading Capital: $3000

Example 2
Equity Balance: $102,000
High Water Mark: $103,500
Max Drawdown Limit:
Should your equity balance or your account balance fall below this your account will be closed. This considered a Hard Breach.


Stop Loss required on all trades.

All professional traders use a stop loss and we are no different. If you do not have a stop loss on your trade that trade will be closed automatically. It is a Soft Breach and you may continue to trade but will require a Stop Loss.

Prop Trader Assessment Pricing.

 Pricing below is for Non AlphaTradrz NFT holders. NFT Holders get the first Prop Trader Assessment for FREE.


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 99
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 299
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 499
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 1500
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 4000
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Prop Trader Assessment
$ 7000
One Time Payment
  • 90% Profit Share in Your Favor
  • 3 Simple Rules
  • Single Payment No Subscription
  • Unlimited Time To Pass


Trader Performance Dashboard.

Our traders dashboard helps to keep you on track towards passing the traders assessment and also when you pass and trade the live account. Know exactly what risk you have available to trade and monitor your Loss Limits.

The Trader Dashboard has the following features:

Prop Trading Dashboard from AlphaTradrz
Prop Trading Account Performance
Prop Trading Performance


Account Performance.

Managing your trading performance is key to longevity in trading. Using industry standard metrics such as Sharpe Ratio, Romad and Alphas keeps you on the path the long term success.


Your questions answered about our future Prop Trading Program.

Anyone from anywhere around the world can be a Prop Trader with AlphaTradrz. Simply demonstrate profitability and good risk management and you will soon be a prop trader

We will not impose a minimum time period to pass the Prop Trader Assessment, it is important that you are not under any pressure created by us.

It is not a sprint to the finish, be conservative with your risk and practice how you will trade in the live funded account and you will achieve the KPI’s before you know it.

We have two main categories of rule breaches.

The Hard Breach
We only have one Hard Breach and that is the Maximum Trailing Drawdown. If you breach this then your account will be closed. You can of course retake the Trader Assessment at a discounted price.

The Soft Breach
As we only have 3 rules the other two, the Daily Loss Limit and the Stop Loss rule are the Soft Breaches. If you breach a Soft Breach then your trades are closed and in the case of the Daily Loss Limit you will need to wait until the start of the next trading day before you can continue. The Soft Breach does not require a reset of the account.

The Soft Breach is in play to protect you against yourself and the Hard Breach is to protect the capital in use.

We know mistakes happen, we are passionate about giving our trading community the opportunity to make more money using larger capital.

We don’t want to penalize you for mistakes so we provide a reset at a 25% discount from the initial Trader Assessment price.

All our Trader Assessment accounts are demo accounts (it wouldn’t be wise to use a live account). When you pass your Trader Assessment you will be given a Live account with the same starting balance as your trader assessment account.

Once we launch we will be using EightCap, they have established themselves as the best provider for Prop Trading Firms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Prop Trading.

Prop trading, short for “proprietary trading”, refers to the practice of trading financial instruments with a firm’s own money, rather than on behalf of clients. Proprietary traders use their firm’s capital to buy and sell stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, or other financial products with the goal of generating profits for the firm.

Prop trading firms typically hire experienced traders who have a track record of successful trading and are able to generate consistent profits. These traders are often given significant autonomy to make trading decisions and are compensated based on the profits they generate for the firm.

Prop trading can be highly profitable, but it also involves significant risk. Traders need to have a deep understanding of the markets and the instruments they trade, as well as the ability to manage risk effectively. In recent years, regulatory changes have led many banks and financial institutions to scale back their proprietary trading operations, but prop trading remains an important part of the financial industry.

Yes, prop traders can make a significant amount of money if they are successful in their trading. Proprietary trading firms typically provide traders with access to significant amounts of capital, allowing them to trade on a larger scale than individual retail traders. This can lead to the potential for significant profits, as well as increased risk.

Prop traders are often compensated based on a performance-based pay structure, such as receiving a percentage of the profits they generate for the firm. This incentivizes traders to take on greater risk in order to generate higher profits, but also means that they may be subject to significant losses if their trades do not perform well.

The amount of money a prop trader can make can vary significantly depending on their skill level, the amount of capital they have access to, and the volatility of the markets they trade. Successful traders may earn six or seven-figure incomes, while less successful traders may earn less or even lose money. It’s important to note that prop trading can be highly competitive, and not all traders will be successful in this field.

Becoming a prop trader typically requires a combination of education, experience, and proven trading skills. Here are some steps you can take if you’re interested in pursuing a career in prop trading:

  1. Gain a solid understanding of financial markets and trading: Start by learning the basics of financial markets and trading. Read books, articles, and online resources to build your knowledge of financial instruments, market mechanics, and trading strategies.

  2. Get an education in finance or a related field: A degree in finance, economics, or a related field can provide a strong foundation for a career in prop trading. Many prop trading firms prefer candidates with an advanced degree, such as a Master’s in Finance or an MBA.

  3. Gain trading experience: Many prop trading firms require candidates to have some prior trading experience, either in a professional or personal capacity. Consider gaining experience by trading on your own or through a brokerage firm.

  4. Develop a trading strategy: Prop trading firms look for traders who have a proven track record of success. Develop and refine a trading strategy that has a track record of generating consistent profits.

  5. Apply for a job at a prop trading firm: Once you have the necessary education, experience, and skills, you can start applying for positions at prop trading firms. Be prepared to go through a rigorous interview process, which may include multiple rounds of interviews, trading simulations, and tests of your market knowledge and trading skills.

It’s important to note that prop trading can be a highly competitive field, and not all candidates will be successful in securing a position. It may take time and persistence to find the right opportunity, but with dedication and a strong skill set, you can increase your chances of success.

Or simply take a trading assessment.

There are many proprietary trading firms around the world, and the best firms for a given trader can depend on a variety of factors, including their personal preferences, trading style, and level of experience. That being said, here are a few well-regarded proprietary trading firms that have a strong reputation in the industry:

  1. Jane Street – A quantitative trading firm with a focus on algorithmic trading and technology. Known for its rigorous hiring process and use of sophisticated trading models.

  2. DRW Trading – A proprietary trading firm with a focus on market making, risk management, and technology. Has a reputation for offering competitive compensation and a collaborative work culture.

  3. Optiver – A global proprietary trading firm that specializes in options trading. Known for its innovative approach to market making and use of advanced technology.

  4. SIG – A global quantitative trading firm that focuses on options, equities, and fixed income. Known for its data-driven approach and use of cutting-edge technology.

  5. Flow Traders – A leading liquidity provider in the exchange-traded funds (ETF) space. Has a strong reputation for its focus on innovation, technology, and culture.

It’s worth noting that these are just a few examples of well-regarded proprietary trading firms, and there are many other reputable firms out there. When considering a potential firm to work for, it’s important to do your own research and consider factors such as the firm’s trading strategies, work culture, compensation structure, and available resources and support.

Prop trading firms make money primarily through the profits generated from their trades. These firms use their own capital to buy and sell various financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, currencies, or commodities, with the goal of earning a profit.

One way that prop trading firms generate profits is through market making. This involves buying and selling securities at different prices, profiting from the difference between the buy and sell prices, or the bid-ask spread. Market making can be a highly profitable business for prop trading firms, as they can capture a small profit on each transaction, and the volume of trades can be significant.

Another way that prop trading firms make money is through arbitrage trading. This involves identifying price discrepancies in different markets or securities and profiting from the difference in price. For example, a prop trader may buy a stock on one exchange where it is undervalued and then sell it on another exchange where it is overvalued, earning a profit from the difference in price.

Prop trading firms may also use various quantitative trading strategies, such as algorithmic trading, to generate profits. These strategies involve using advanced computer models and algorithms to analyze market data and make trading decisions. This can enable prop trading firms to make trades more quickly and accurately than human traders, potentially leading to higher profits.

Overall, prop trading firms generate profits by using their own capital to buy and sell financial instruments in a way that generates a profit. The specific strategies and techniques used can vary depending on the firm and the individual traders involved.