Pro Trader Subscription

ProTrader Subscription.

For those that want more.


10 Features
That will help maximize your trading results.

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1. Trader Dashboard.

Start your trading day with a structured procedure that will keep you trading in a sustained and profitable manner. Check you Risk Management, What’s driving todays market, Technical Analysis using the bankers methodology and market timing for entering a trade, with a lot more that can be found below.


2. Trade Setups.

High Probability Low Risk Trade Setups for Stocks, Forex, Commodities and many more, as and when they arise. They don’t arise everyday!

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3. One-On-One Trader Support.

Book a 30 min Zoom call with us for help on any subject about trading, straight from your trader dashboard.

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4. Private Trading Groups.

Create your own private trading groups. If you have a team of traders you can create your own private trading group with Zoom conferencing and dedicated private forums. No more crazy Discord conversations.


5. Stock & Crypto Portfolio Tracker.

Create your own Stock and Crypto Portfolio and manage your investments straight from your trader dashboard.

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Create your own private trading groups.

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Create your own private trading groups.

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Create your own private trading groups.

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Create your own private trading groups.

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Create your own private trading groups.