Get Started With AlphaTradrz

Get Started With AlphaTradrz.

Once you have joined here’s whats next.

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Invite your colleagues!

If you have colleagues or friends that like trading or even those that haven’t traded but are interested in trading, invite them directly from your account page. You will be helping grow the community, whilst building some AlphaGems to earn a free NFT on the NFT release. Your friends will thank you.

Step 1

crypto day trading floor

Trading Floors

Join for free any of the public trading floors according to your chosen asset class and start collaborating and chatting with other traders.

Step 2

Trader Dashboard

Trader Dashboard

Our newly created Trader Dashboard provides a simple but effective methodology for identifying the next best trade whilst teaching you how the markets work.

Step 3

Day Trading Help Desk

Help Desk

Peruse our help desk to read articles, recommendations, and thousands of resources.
Try out our Artificial Intelligence Trading Bot, its uncanny how much it knows about trading, you will never need to use Google again!

Join today for FREE
