Climate Change

Planting Trees For Climate Change.

When did Climate Change Start?

Climate change started during the industrial revolution  between 1760 and 1840. This was caused by the pollution and CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere and creating a blanket around the earth stopping the reflected heat from the sun to escape, causing a greenhouse effect and heating up the earth.

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Ecologi - Climate Change

Tackling Climate Change head on.

We have teamed up with Ecologi a leader in implementing solutions for climate change. The effects of climate change affects both the existence of mankind but also the financial system. 

Simply the effects of climate change according to the facts causes severe weather changes including flooding and drought. This will have a drastic effect on the financial industry and the economy. 

We are going to contribute to these efforts by growing our own forest. 

An Inconvenient Truth.

Ecologi - Climate Change

About Ecologi.

Here is what they have to say.

We created Ecologi so people like you can actually take on the climate crisis. Our collective home is in the process of being turned totally upside down which is leading to strife for almost all life on Earth.

We know it’s preventable. And we know it’s not going to save itself.

So, it is up to us to solve it. But what levers can we pull? Reducing our carbon footprint is entirely necessary, but the transition of change is far slower than the time we have remaining.

The tools that we associate with fighting climate change are inadequate. What if that changed and the billions of us who care became empowered?

There are enough climate solutions that are out there right now, that if we supported them, it’d undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2.

This is our opportunity.

Simply the effects of climate change according to the facts causes severe weather changes including flooding and drought. This will have a drastic effect on the financial industry and the economy.